Soup is good food.
My Loma 311 studying is not. Not going well, either. Must study much more.
– Weekend was fantabulous. Lots of resting, reading, and eating. Especially enjoyed the leisure drive back to town yesterday. Clear roads, Jann Arden, Blue Rodeo, my beautiful wife, and chocolate. 🙂
– Never hated a “character” as much as I do/did Gwenhwyfar in the “Mists of Avalon”. To the point that I could punch the book to the floor and then stomp on it. Hated her part of the book with a passion that only kept me reading because of how much I enjoyed Morgaine. sigh. Arthur could have stood to have been slapped around more, too. Those who truly know me know how much I cringe and lash out at the boundaries imposed on humanity due to organized religion. Especially those religions that would have humanity constantly burning in hell for every single act of living.
– Faith Circle confirmed for April 14th. Very much looking forward to it.
– It’s Easter Monday and I’m working. sigh. I should be at home.