Thoughts to Ponder…

I had a very interesting offer thrown my way earlier this week.

A friend of mine, whom I see and speak with every day, has a sister who’s a Television Producer/ Director. Coming off a highly successful two year project on French television, she’s now back in Project Development mode. The company she works for deals in Television, Stage Plays, CDs, etc. Basically, pretty much everything out there to do with entertainment.

Anyhow, my friend offered me this promise: should I have anything I would like to see developed in any of those mediums, he would get the proposal on his sister’s desk the very next day and/or set up a personal invite with her to discuss. And yesterday, he and I got to talking about the business of production and creation including some of the other stuff I’ve done and future plans.

Needless to say, my brain has been going full-gear on this all week. If anything further happens, I’ll let you know. In the meantime, the rush of creativity has been a blast! 🙂

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