What if the News would suddenly just STOP showing us: scenes of destruction, scenes of death, scenes of hatred, scenes of disease/ corruption/ agression, etc etc.
In THIS sense of the word, wouldn’t Ignorance BE bliss? Would we not all live happier lives without having to constantly be force-fed so much negativity and having our lives controlled by that crap?
I’ve written it a long time ago, and I stick to it still. I’m a much happier person when I turn off the news channel in every shape (radio, tv, internet). Perhaps if more folks concentrated on the good in the world instead of all the death/destruction/disease/crap, then maybe more folks would be more inclined to do good for the sake of good as opposed to bad/evil for the sake of negative bombardment.
My beautiful wife felt our baby’s first kick yesterday. THAT is news. THAT is worth sharing. THAT is worth shedding a tear of joy for. And so I did, and do.
Ti amo, amore…