Okay, I’ve been kicking this around in my head for a few days now, and realized that one of the biggest problems I’ve had with this top 10 list is that many of the things I’ve done which fall under the category of “I’ve done but you haven’t” are just way too incriminating. Thus, I had to delete those entries and replace them with others. (Any folks who’ll be lucky enough to read “Wasted Youth” will eventually get to read those tidbits :)) But, there were more incriminating ones than not. Thus, the exercise hurt my brain. 🙂
1- Was run down by a motorcycle in my own back yard when I was 5 and spent months in a cast with a broken arm.
2- Watched my best friend get struck and killed (by a taxi cab) when I was 7
3- Had a car drive over my foot without any ill effects when I was 8
(holy shit. do we see a pattern here? time to change gears)
4- Talked cops into exchanging our empty beer bottles with full ones they had confiscated from other rebels during a weekend binge at Angrignon park celebrating the end of College.
5- Got plastered in a cemetary and slammed with my buddies after a night of live punk bands (League of Dead Politicians, Asexuals, No Policy, at The Station)
6- Lost 3 band members over the course of a month (drummer dislocated shoulders – doc’s orders no drums for a year, bass player decided to quit (and got beat up for it), replacement bass player got chased out of town by New York Skinheads) just prior to going into studio to record a track for Primitive Air Waves volume 2
7- Had Richard Biggs chuckle and turn his back on me when I asked him “If a White Star captured a Shadow vessel, would they rename it to The White Shadow?” at a convention
8- Had my then-girlfriend-now-wife take me to 3 different oceans in 3 different years
9- Spent a Valentine’s day in the Dominican Republic watching my wife pray to the porcelain god (and took a picture of her brushing her teeth over said porcelain!)
10- Completed two over 50,000 word novels in the space of around 26 days… in the same month!