Gonna have a good time tonight…

Woah! Monday 2pm already! Where did the time go?! It zooms by faster than ever lately! Oh, but there ain’t no complainin’ when it’s rainin’ (or something to that effect) 🙂 Weekend update? Why not!

Friday night was fucken awesome. Forgive your sensitive ears but that’s the truth. I lugged my new P3/600 from downtown to my car parked at Dorval – what a workout! – and then took care of a few errands (along with picking up a new fax modem and data traveller) before picking up my beloved. We headed over to Picasso’s to await the arrival of joy and merriment 🙂 And Lo and Behold, it was so! Folks, we had a fucken blast that night and it was extremely wonderful to see you all again. I’m thinking perhaps bi-monthly on this. What say you? t!, my blood still has not calmed down from the boiling it went through upon the many recitals of such wonderful music. I still think it’s pretty cool that I can teach you what came before your time and you can teach me what came after my time. Punk never dies, dude.

Saturday was a rather cool day but a wonderful evening experience. My incredibly beautiful wife took me to a classic Italian restaurant for an early Valentine’s day supper. Can I say fucken awesome again? The food was incredible – right from the bruschetta appetizer (made JUST right – a feat NO other restaurant or hall has done to date!) through the rest of the meal. Hey, even the vino di tavola was good (which doesn’t always happen). The only downfall was being sat in a smoking room. That was unfortunate, but didn’t ruin the evening. Just made it a little… stinky. 🙂 (Francisco! The four of us should go next time we want to celebrate something big!) My wife, dressed in black, shimmered as much as the bling blings on her ears and neck. Stunning, I say. Really took my breath away…

Sunday…. ah, but Sunday was also fucken awesome, but in a more relaxed way. After waking up feeling refreshed (even though I fell asleep at 2am trying to watch On Her Majesty’s Secret Service (CTV seems to be on a Bond kick and has been playing a Bond movie a week – seemingly in order)), Chantale and I headed out to The Ovarium. Anyone who knows me/us knows how much I love this place and especially how much I enjoy their half-day spa treatments. Mmmm. And it’s one of those things that folks don’t normally do but really wish they did regularly after the fact. This time around, it was something that was sorely needed. Emphasis on the “sore” as I’ve been having trouble sleeping for the last 3 weeks now. The floating bath proved how sore/stiff I was and then the massage… wow, did she ever get to work me over! In fact, my masseuese got so into working the kinks out of my muscles (heh. that sounds naughtier than the reality) she ended up almost getting right down to it. I half expected her to just get right on top of my back at some points! The funniest moment had to be as her hands strayed closer and closer to my bum. I’m lying on my stomach thinking “hmm. she’s moving beyond what my previous massages have been”. Then, as she goes ahead and gropes my right buttcheek, I flinch and she asks, “does it bother you that I’m massaging your buttocks?” “No,” I answer thankful she can’t see me blushing with my head in the support. “Good then – unclench! There’s a lot of stress in these cheeks!”

Priceless, that was 🙂 So, I paid some strange woman to grope me, and it’s covered by my Health Insurance. Now that’s a benefit! 🙂

Sunday night was supper at the in-laws after sweating for an hour bringing in 10 strips of gibrock through the window in the guest room. Another big workout. But the meal was really good and made for a fine reward for the sweat 🙂 (of course, considering I was covered in massage oil, the sweat just really made me feel “slick” all over… 🙂 )

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