All rightee then! I’m finally announcing this to the wild (although there is a small handful of you out there who already know), but the OTHER reason this year was going to be a very busy one for me is that…. (dramatic pause) …
Chantale is pregnant! I’m going to be a Daddy again! Wooo-heeeee!!!!
We went for her first doctor’s appointment yesterday and found out that she is 12 weeks and 3 (now 4) days pregnant (technically, the baby is due in July). After getting to know her doctor, we went into the exam room and got to listen to the baby’s heartbeat!! To me, it almost sounded like “It took – it took – it took” All I know is that it felt amazing to hear that little heartbeat going and I had to hold back the temptation to push the doctor out of the way and plaster my ear onto Chantale’s belly
It was a long and exhausting day as we did end up waiting over 90 minutes to see the Doctor, and this after having to walk around the hospital to get a new hospital card. Chantale, not very big on needles, was very brave as we went downstairs for blood tests afterwards. I was very proud of her And then, when all was said and done with the hospital, we went home to play with Casey (who, incidentally, turned 1 year old yesterday!) and then headed out to Chantale’s first pre-natal swimming lesson
When the day finally ended, I took her out for supper and we really enjoyed ourselves just chatting and laughing about the events of the day At home, we watched the Quantum Leap Season 2 finale and by the time I came back into the room (after having brought the DVDs downstairs) Chantale was already asleep
Today, I spread the news! First to all the Team Leaders who were at the Change Management Meeting this morning, and then afterwards to my own Team. (I scared them by telling them I was taking a new position They were very shocked but when I mentioned that it was to be a Father, they were very happy
So, now it’s your turn! Hello world! My beautiful wife is gonna have a BABY!!!!