Back a few months now, I’ve made mention that the beginning of this year was going to be quite a busy one. Well, I’m finally in a position to speak a little about one of the projects that will be taking up my time. Continuing my on-going love affair with Canada and Canadian Comics, I’ve agreed to be one of a panel of judges for The Shusters – The Canadian Comic Book Awards!
Here’s a bit from the announcement: “With permission from the Estate of JOE SHUSTER, the PARADISE COMICS TORONTO COMICON 2005 is proud to announce that it will be the site of the 1ST ANNUAL SHUSTER AWARDS, honouring THE CANADIAN COMIC BOOK COMMUNITY – Pat, Present and Future. The SHUSTERS will consist of 10 categories – 8 for Comics published in 2004, 1 for excellence in Retailing in 2004, and Inductees to the Hall of Fame. Hall of Fame winners will be decided on by a panel of renowned Canadian Comic Book Historians. All other categories will be selected by a nominating committee of selected individuals from across Canada (Bios will be made available when the Nominees are announced). NOMINEES MUST HAVE HAD A CREATIVE WORK PUBLISHED IN 2004.”
To learn more, please visit The Shusters page on the Toronto Comic Con web site.
Obviously, I’m thrilled and excited to be a part of this! 🙂