I finally had enough of all the Spam coming through my savageland account. it’s just way beyond ridiculous. Unfortunately, I don’t have the ability to simply allow one or multiple specific emails to be forwarded to another account (unless I pay for that) – it’s all or nothing.
And so, after logging into over 300 spam messages a day in the mailbox I use to collect all mails sent to savageland dot com, I have effectively de-activated the forwarding feature. Thus, anyone out there reading this who used to email me at whatever account name I gave you (at) savageland, stop using it. Ain’t gonna work no more.
Sadly, I will soon be forced to do the same with comicopia. Meaning, any mails sent to info at comicopia dot net will soon end up bouncing. dammit.
triply unfortunately, even my MAIN email account has now fallen into the wrong hands and I’m wiping out about 50 spam messages a day there. damn bloody frustrating.
i hate spammers. burn in hell you money hungry, money grubbing, useless excuse for humans, scum sucking wastes of breath. and lots more violently swearing words I’ve decided I don’t want to type to protect sensitive eyes.