Bring in the Clowns…

Hooo boy…

I’m starting to feel the effects from last night… Seeing as it was November 30th, Chantale and I decided to spend some time on our NaNo Novels after supper just to enjoy a bit of the last-minute mad dash. It was fun racing the clock and trying to update our word counts before the deadline, just as it was hysterical reading all the emails flowing through and the messages being posted on the Montreal NaNo forum.

I don’t think I got to sleep before 2am. Which made a 6:30am wakeup quite difficult. And yet, I didn’t even attempt to nap on the train or anything! I came into work and got cracking on the monthly stats. Now, as I’m closing off the last of the automated reports, I’m feeling my eyes start to weigh heavy and the thought of going to sleep is very alluring…

Final NaNo word count is 57,914. As a comparison, the stories which make up The Mysterious Minute-Men Year One rounds off at a little over 19k. However, as I’m working to revise that compilation (as well as the Year Two, Year Three, and Spotlight/ Specials) those numbers will grow with the format. It will be interesting to look back in a few months and tally the total Minute-Men word count (which doesn’t include the Newsletters, however). Wow.

I’m suddenly glad to have a laptop again. Now I only wish it were properly portable and didn’t have a battery that gave up the ghost after less than 2 minutes of juice…

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