NaNoWriMo Completely Completed!

Well that’s it! I just put the final period in my last chapter of The Mysterious Minute-Men’s biggest adventure. Validated on the NaNo website and final count being 55,024 words! Magical, I tell ya. In fact, I have to STOP myself from adding to it, just so I can have a completed saga to show a few folks 🙂

My Winner certificate is signed and hanging outside my cubicle for all to see and worship, and I’m batting off requests from folks who want to read it. All in good time, my friends, all in good time 🙂

Now I’ve got a number of interesting questions to respond to in regards to my NaNo experience so I should get to those. Heck, the questions are so valid and ones I’ve asked myself during my experience that I’ll probably post my answers up here and the Montreal NaNo forum if not Comicopia.

Peace out, folks! I’m in a great mood! 🙂 And here’s a sneak peek at the cover. Click it for a larger view, or wait for the printout!

The Mysterious Minute-Men

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