– The NaNoWriMo site’s having troubles with logins today. Kinda sux.
– Chantale advised that if I behaved, she’d bake me an apple crumble pie. A little earlier she told me I’ve had too much pie recently. So, no pie for me! 🙁
– Elvis is still the King.
– Stopped in for a NaNo meet downtown this afternoon. Didn’t stay long but it was nice to simply touch base with folks. The MTL ML actually asked if I would consider taking the position of WI ML next year and I was totally flattered. You can’t possibly imagine what it feels like when someone wants to offer me chances like these (silly though they may seem to many). Unfortunately, that could take up a certain amount of time I’m not willing to accept THIS early. Try me again in 11 months 🙂
– There’s nothing wrong with cereal for lunch.
– My wife is kicking my ass at NaNo this year.
– I haven’t had anywhere near the proper amount of sleep this week, and I seem to have turned into Cranky Mikey. bah.
– I should get my ass back into gear and get writing, especially as I’m alone in the house right now (except for the dog who’s decided to plant herself by the front door and wait for Chantale to come back – which will be in about 2 hours. dumb dog.)
– Have I mentioned I’m cranky? bah.
– I’m not in the mood to do anything, and that sux. I think I should shop around for a part-time job I can do from home, just to help bring in a bit more revenue. bah.
– I think I’ll shut up, go offline, and write, now.