
Well we’re two days into NaNoWriMo this year and I’ve barely broken the 2k barrier. However, there are quite a number of reasons for this especially as it is different from last year:

1- Oct 31 was a Sunday and I couldn’t stay up past midnight to write since I had a very early morning for Monday Nov 1st.

2- No computer. Riding in the train Monday and today and drinking coffee at Cafe Depot, I’ve been writing longhand in my notebook. It’s still hard to imagine this was how things used to be.

3- Limited time. 2 hours on the train and 1 for lunch every day. Not enough, especially longhand. (and today is worse since I can’t take lunch due to Meeting restrictions! ack!) I should be happy with the amount I’ve actually done as I know it’ll go up dramatically as I re-type it and add to it at the same time.

4- Renovations need. I’m still putting the finishing touches on the basement. Not taking a large amount of time, but an hour here and there is an hour taken away from writing.

5- Baby! Last night I finally found out where Karine was staying thanks to Taras! So, Chantale and I jumped into the car (ignoring supper) and drove off to Maisonneuve Rosemont Hospital to say hello to Karine, Adam, and newly-born Mathieu! 🙂 Karine looked super! Still glowing and oh-so-happy! Adam looked weary yet very proud, too! He’s progressing nicely in replacing his blood with coffee 🙂 And Mathieu… oh, what a sweet little baby! Peaceful, legs and arms pushing everywhere, and looking very much like Adam 🙂 It was great seeing them all 🙂

6- Food! Well, after that visit, Chantale and I decided to get some food and headed out to Clyde’s in Pointe Claire for some chili-nachos, fries, and a pitcher of beer 🙂 Mmm! Good times 🙂 Unfortunately, by the time we got home, well, there was no time for writing. Oh well.

And that’s today! So, tonight, it’ll be: finish off the “office” section of the basement with a sealant, have a bite to eat, and FINALLY begin typing on my computer! We’ll see what my word count looks like after that 🙂

By the way, when I’m not here, you can find me over at the Montreal section of the NaNo Forums 🙂

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