
Just came back from lunch at Cafe Depot with my two artist buddies Gabriel Morrissette and Johane Matte. Besides the usual banter of Comicopia and what’s new in the biz, I wanted to see how things are going with them. Gabriel just got back from Toronto after having been asked down to the Chickadee celebration (and since he’s been drawing Daisy Dreamer for so many years now…) and spoke of finding some reference material to the D.Q. work he’s doing with a certain Porter who shall remain Alan J 🙂 Johane spoke of the work going on at A2M and specifically about a new Scooby-Doo game coming out for Playstation soon. We also caught up on RuffToon and Sequential Tart. Got copies of two Dog Savage sagas I want to send to Dean Haspiel plus other copies of Horus for Francisco. So I like giving my friends exposure, so sue me 🙂

It was a nice get together which, sadly, doesn’t happen often enough and usually ends too quickly. Made nicer by the new Chocolate Raspberry coffee Cafe Depot was debuting! Mmmmm! Sure got ME hooked! 🙂

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