Getting Cozy

The great thing about “celebrating” Halloween at work is the CHOCOLATE!!!! 🙂 … The bad thing is the chocolate… ooooh… I haven’t had this much candy sugar-rush since last year’s xmas party…. 🙂

No painting last night. The time was limited due to working late and secondly because Chantale and I took the time to start placing things. We set up what would/could be the Family room as well as the “Work Office/ Table” area where the kids do their homework and crafts (and I use for putting together Comicopia). We cleared out the next area to be painted, though, so I can get started on that tonight.

It looks good. Real cozy. Set up in such a way that once I get started on NaNoWriMo on Monday, Chantale can spend the time with me as well. At least this way we won’t have to be separated with me downstairs and her upstairs the way we were last year. It’s going so well that I’m actually really looking forward to Priming the walls in December. 🙂

It’s nice having a home. And it’s absolutely wonderful that I’ve been blessed enough to HAVE a home. Especially after all the shit I had to live through in the past. Life has been rough, and I’ve been kicked around plenty, but as I’ve said before (and over and over), ever since Chantale came into my life, she’s been liking a Shining Star, lighting my way and lighting my life. And I don’t care how corny that sounds. Because of her and of what we have together, we’ve managed to build a life (fighting the elements the entire way) and have a house we could never have dreamed of owning.

I sometimes think back to my days of living in apartments and struggling with money, etc, and know just how lucky I really am. I’m proud of where we are, and I’m proud of the house we have. I don’t have the biggest house, nor do I have the smallest, but I have the best. A house filled with warmth, love, and laughter. And that is nothing at all to be ashamed of.

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