Gee whiz…

Can’t the days ever really last forever like you want them to?

I’ve had a most wonderful weekend and I will happily write about it in full detail later tomorrow (Monday).

For now, I just wanted to let you all know that I’ve put up some new pictures of the Kids and of Casey over at my site. Head on out to SavageLand.Com and click on the Fatherhood/ Parenting page. You’ll notice three new Family Album entries of which a number of montages in each. James 10th Birthday party, Chantale teaching Melyssa to play the Keyboard, and a few cute pics of Casey 🙂 Oh my how they all grow so quickly! 🙂

I finally cleared out the latest church newsletter so I can now get my butt into bed (Chantale fell asleep on the couch a few hours ago and I came into the basement just to “finish some things”… sheesh.)

I’ll catch up with everyone else tomorrow as well!

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