Thanks to everyone who touched base with me in regards to my previous/private entry. Your support is truly appreciated.
So, last night after I got home, Chantale pulled me back into the car and drove us to the Ste.Anne locks to sit by the boats and watch the sun set. Casey was going nuts with all the new sights and smells, but outside of that, it was really nice and peaceful. Nothing like sitting by the river on a chilly night, huddled with your loved one to put things in perspective…
Afterwards, we went back home to drop off the dog and then drove over to Clyde’s in Pointe Claire for a pitcher of beer and a plate of nachos. Strangely enough, this was the first time we ever did this together! Sure, we’ve been out to pubs and such, but we’ve never gone to just hang out somewhere for beer before. Her sister had hinted at possibly showing up but she didn’t come. No biggie, actually, as it was really nice for the two of us to be alone and just chat.
One long topic of conversation ended up being about High School and reunions. My high school (St. Pius X) is finally having a reunion after 20 years. I’ve been over on to see who’s registered and info on it and wasn’t too impressed by it. It was funny in that I’ve been on classmates forever now (actually having added some companies and been the first registrant on a number of schools) and suddenly it’s full of people. And yet… reviewing the list of names, I have to come to the conclusion that there really isn’t anyone I’m interested in finding out more about. Heck, I completely lost touch with these people 20 years ago outside of a VERY small handful of them who I lost touch with shortly thereafter. I can’t say I have any memories I want to recapture or reminisce about because a part of me feels I never fully enjoyed/ experienced my high school days like I should have. I never had to worry about cliques in that I fit in with everyone. I had links and friends in the Brains, the Jocks, the Punks, the Cool Kids. Nothing intimidated me. [shrug]
Chantale asked if there was anyone I would be happy to see after all this time. My first response was an old friend/ short-time girlfriend who’s currently working for Polygram in New York. I lost touch with her about 8-10 years ago when Polygram moved out of Montreal to headquarter in Toronto. Besides her, it would have to be my Secondary 5 English teacher, J. Massey, who ignited my writing spark through journals and encouragement of my poetry. I agreed I should go verify if any teachers would be attending and then make up my mind.