Have you heard the news about the Pendragon adaptation of HG Wells’ War of the Worlds? Just as Cruise and Spielberg announce that they plan to do a movie, Pendragon announced that they’ve wrapped up a loyal adaptation! 🙂 For full details and some pictures, check out the article at SciFi CrowsNest.
A small aside to Comicopians, I’ve started to slowly put up more covers from our past issues (including the back cover to our latest issue #84). Once again, I have to thank Chantale for all the work she did in organizing (or rather, completely revamping!) my desk and work space. I’ve been able to put together more articles, reviews, minutes, and op pieces in the last couple of weeks than in the months prior. If this keeps up, I may actually reach the end of all open/ outstanding writing projects in a few months! 🙂