I fell asleep in the train last night but woke up about 3 stops before I had to get off. I thought a mosquito was biting my neck 🙂 Anyhow, I looked around and noticed a cell phone left behind on the seats at the other side of the train. I picked it up and checked through the recent calls made and received. Since it was low on battery, I waited to get off the train to try calling the “Home Cell” number but got no reply. When I got home, I called from my own cell and reached the woman who’s husband had lost the cell 🙂 She was extremely greatful and drove over to the house to pick it up 🙂 “Oh you’re so nice, thank you so much!” I was happy to have helped. I know too many people who’ve gotten screwed over and in a reversed situation I would want someone to do the same for me.
So that was my good deed of the week 🙂
On another nice family point, I wanted to state how extremely nice it is to get home early this week and have supper with Chantale and the kids. No one is rushed so it’s all very nice and relaxed. Supper is always wonderful and it just seems to make each evening so very special. Last night was no exception either as I took the 3:45pm train instead of the 4:30pm getting me home much earlier. Then, before supper, we went to the Pharmacy and I bought James his first deoderant stick 🙂 I had spoken to him recently about the upcoming physical changes that he’ll be going through this year and that was one of the ones we talked about. He was quite happy and proud of the fact that he’s growing up and I began teasing him how pretty soon I’ll have to teach him to shave 🙂 Ah… loving family moments 🙂
After supper we all went bike riding around the neighborhood which we’ve never done before either! … It’s just so wonderful having them around all the time and we’re all making sure to enjoy it to the fullest…
…one day I’ll have a full family again…