Hey there. Back in town after a really heavenly time away. The weather up in Metabet was gorgeous! Outside of one day’s rain, we had sun and heat with no humidity! After ALL these years of visiting, I finally had the chance to go lie on the sand at the beach and even wade into the lake! Woah!
And Chantale? BOY was she surprised when I showed up on Wednesday night! It was priceless to see her face as I strode into the kitchen while she was on the phone with her mother who was wondering where I was and why I refused to tell her where I was going to be that night (her parents had wanted to drop in that evening but I told them I was “out” and wouldn’t say where 🙂 )
It really was the most relaxing time up north I’ve ever spent. No rush to hurry back, no rush to do anything, just pure relaxing time. Wonderful.
Yes, I took a much-needed break from the world. And, although this also included my continued Fast Fiction pieces, I did still put together 2 more (making it a total of 7 straight days) and for those following, here’s Thursday’s piece
[The Vision – July 22, 2004]
“Does it really have to end?”
Danielle held Nick’s hands in hers, trying to control her trembling where she couldn’t control her tears.
Nick took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He didn’t want to do this. He loved her, that wasn’t a lie. But, he also couldn’t deny the scenes in his mind. The arguing, the harsh words, Danielle throwing pots at him, breaking dishes. He shuddered as he re-lived through the first time he slapped her, knocking her to the floor and making her nose bleed.
He exhaled slowly, his eyes boring into her as he saw himself coming home early from work and catching her screwing the delivery boy on HIS couch. He flexed his fingers and felt the bat he used to knock the boy out. He felt the rage as he jumped Danielle and raped her, not caring about her cries, while hitting her and calling her a slut with each thrust.
It had to stop, now, before it went any further.
“I’m sorry but it’ll never work out,” he admitted. “I just don’t see a future for us after high school. It’s better this way…”