Getting Ready to Go…

All right, I’ve been keeping this to myself for a few days now just because I wanted to ensure Chantale wouldn’t find out by reading it here 🙂

As you know, she’s currently up north with her Grand Parents and is expecting me to drive up Friday after work (6 hour trip meaning I’d get there Friday night) and then we both come down on Sunday. However, what no one outside Muad’ib and (up until last night) my sister-in-law knew is that I’ve taken a few days vacation. This means that I’m leaving after work today and driving up 2 days early! 🙂

I do believe it will be quite the surprise 🙂 After all, she’s expecting me to call her tonight around 9pm, not walk through the door :>

As I said, I haven’t posted anything just in case she made her way to her Uncle’s house and read it. But, I do know that she’s out and about this afternoon with her Grandmother so I should be safe 🙂

Yes, I’m still a romantic at heart 🙂 There’s nothing wrong with missing your wife who’s also your best friend, companion, and confidante, ya know 🙂

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