Body Heat

I don’t know what’s up with me and this Domestic Attack I’ve got. I’m wondering if it’s another form of that so-called Industrial Disease (and in my head I hear the twang from Dire Straits). I woke up at 8am again. That seems to be my “sleep-in” time. If only I woke up feeling refreshed instead of feeling like a rhino-stampede survivor. At the very least, it would be nice to wake up without a headache.

Anyhow, I got up and almost convinced myself to put off all further housework until some other day/week/month. Almost. Before I knew it, I found myself vacuuming the entire house. And as soon as I finished that, I fixed the flat on my speeder, adjusted the rim, and once again replaced the lightbulb in the garage – finally deciding to remove the entire fixture to get at the problem. You’d think I’d stop there right? Nope. Once again, before I knew it, I was out in the front mowing the lawn. It’s like my brain had no control of my body. Of course, with the heat out there, I soon found myself with no shirt on doing the Suburban Rhumba.

Yes, I admit to feeling a wave of satisfaction when I finished. Just as I admit to feeling the pain in my shoulders from the sunburn. Sigh. But I will also admit that there is just nothing that feels as good as stepping under a cold shower when you’re drenched in hot sweat and just feel all that steam leave your body. Ooohhhmmm…

And thus, refreshed, I poured myself a Brisk into a frozen mug, added some cubes, and went outside to sweat properly: sitting on the deck writing up an article for the next Comicopia. Again, satisfying to finish. And this leaves me free to put together another Fast Fiction piece.

I’ll let it rummage around in my brain first. I feel the need for some more refreshment. 🙂

(“two men say they’re Jesus – one of them must be wrong – there’s a protest singer he’s singing a protest song…”)

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