Man, I’m exhausted tonight. After all that crazy running around the kids and I did all week, we were finally able to sleep in past 6am this morning. I wish I could say I slept well but the truth is that even though I got out of bed at 8am, I tossed and turned all night. And then, I got cracking on the housework that needed to be done. Honestly, it needed to be done. Wash/ dry/ fold/ put away laundry, seal up some holes outside where some wasps had decided to nest in, weed out the yard, clear up in the basement a little and put up some shelving, try to get the light bulb working again in the garage (it’s like a 10foot high ceiling), pick up, make lunch, make supper, get the kids washed and ready for bed…
is it any wonder I’ve got another headache tonight?
Worst part of it all? Once the kids are in bed and I’ll be able to have some alone time… the only thing I’ll want to do is get some sleep… how pathetic is that?