It took much longer for the bloody tylenol to kick in than I had expected. I got tired of waiting so I chased it down. Now I don’t feel my head. Well, I can barely feel my arms either so what the heck 🙂
It’s Saturday. Warren’s sick so Fast Fiction Friday couldn’t be fully completed. I’ll post up my piece next week or so. At any rate he did say to keep writing so what the hell.
Here’s my Tylenol/Tornado Sangrila inspired piece for Saturday. I call it
Ken Waits
Ken could not remember how long he’d been waiting for the car to arrive.
When he woke up this morning he knew it was Saturday. That meant it was time to get ready. He made his way to the bathroom and ran a bath using only hot water. A part of him knew this shouldn’t be done, but he did it any way. He refused to listen to anyone anymore, including himself.
He lay in the tub with only his head sticking out of the water and stared directly in front of him. He didn’t move. He didn’t talk. He barely breathed. He just soaked and felt his limbs fall away from him. At the hour mark he stood up and pulled the plug. Drying off quickly, he reached for the tweezers. There was nothing better for removing unwanted hair. Whenever he finished, he always smiled with pride. You couldn’t find smoother balls on a newborn.
He dressed in casual slacks and a shirt and sat outside. The car would come every week and he was always ready for it. But it had been so long since his last ride. Damn that Barbie. Bitch was probably out whoring again…
…man i’ve got the munchies…