Due to LJ troubles, this post could not be presented at its regularly scheduled timeslot of Friday June 25th, 10am. It is presented to you now, unedited, as initially expected. Bla bla bla. :>
Walking into work this morning, I noticed an ad for a new Slush Puppie contest with 700 GameBoy Advance as prizes. This reminded me of a conversation I had with James last week when he told me all about the contest. He was excitedly telling me how if HE won he would give one game to every one of his friends. I had to smile and tell him how there are 700 game prizes to be won by 700 people. It wasn’t one person who would
win all 700 games. His face fell a little in disappointment as he answered with an “Oh” and then he shrugged his shoulders and continued with “well, I hope I win one at least”.
It’s nice that he keeps his hopes up, but it’s a little unsettling that even at that young an age the hopes have to depend on contests and (basically) gambling. It does get the kids in early with all those contests on-line and on the cartoon channels and pretty much everywhere around them. Sigh. What a pathetic little world we all live in when we
spend our days hoping for a jackpot of some sort in order to grab some happiness…
I have to make sure he learns the proper lessons as soon as possible before he gets into the true bug for spending money on lottery tickets, etc…