Big update

Lots of random thoughts today. Bear with me:

– First of the month! Stats Day = busy busy morning. Happily, no major issues with them so far meaning it won’t take me the entire day to complete. Yay 🙂

– James had his first official baseball game yesterday. His team won 12-8 against the same team they beat 27-9 on Saturday’s practice. They’re a good bunch of kids who seem to really enjoy it which makes it fun to watch. James, of course, is somewhat of a ham with a constant huge smile on his face. He started getting the nickname of “The Kamikaze Kid” due to some funny encounters with the ball yesterday 🙂

– This weekend was really good kid-wise. We tried camping outside Friday night but by 3am we called it a night and came to our nicely warm beds. It was just too cold out there! Saturday I was at James’ practice game while Melyssa stayed home with Chantale and mostly played outside. Chantale gave our Patio a good washing (in preparation for staining of the wood) and cleared out the garage. She’s quite efficient, I’ll tell ya, and still manages to amaze me 🙂

Saturday night her parents came over and we had a really good supper. Sadly, her grandmother called us near the end of it to inform us that their Uncle had died (the one who went into a coma earlier this week). 58 years young. That’s just not right. That night I was in no frame of mind to go anywhere and thus we stayed over again, always conscious of the fact that the huge “issue” exists about Melyssa sleeping at my house now that we have a dog. I’ll deal with any repurcussions later.

– a few things about this weekend: 1- Melyssa confided that she’s been having constant nightmares of her being in the center of a huge black tornado with the faces of her mother and doctors spinning around her yelling at her about dogs. Not surprisingly, her mother’s voice is the loudest. 2- Melyssa had a hugely emotional moment Saturday night when I asked her if she was scared of anything (as she had gotten very quiet at bedtime). She explained how she doesn’t like the word “scared” and whenever she hears it, she GETS scared and then she gets really SAD. *very deep sigh* My poor little baby… emotionally scarred worst than I could have feared… 3- Her allergy results were given to me. Again, unsurprisingly, her allergy to cats is huge (5/25) compared to dogs (4/10). We also found out she has a huge allergy to horses (10/40). My understanding is that the first number is the size in milimeters of the welt that appeared at the testing spot on her arms and then another measurement after 15 minutes. To me, this proves that her allergies to dogs isn’t THAT big and especially when you consider that Bichon Frises have SO much less dander as to almost be negligible. Heck, if she were to be licked by a Collie or German Sheppard, she’s immediately break out. She’s CONSTANTLY being licked by Casey and NOTHING happens to her. Again, more fear-mongering from her mother.

Other high allergy: ALTERNARIA (Alternaria spores are one of the most common and potent indoor and outdoor airborne allergens. Additionally, Alternaria sensitization has been determined to be one of the most important factors in the onset of childhood asthma. Few fungal taxa can match the global impact of Alternaria on humans and human activities.) ASPERGILLUS (Aspergillus is a group of moulds, which is found everywhere world-wide, especially in the autumn and winter in the Northern hemisphere. Moulds are also called filamentous fungi.) CLADOSPORIUM (A genus of mold which can be found within indoor environments.)

Wow. Makes you wonder what’s gonna kill her first, hm?

– LOMA 330. My exam is tomorrow morning. I haven’t really had time to study properly. A little encouraging is the fact that I took the pre-test (after not being to a class in 2 months and not having touched the book in 3 months!) and got a 67%. Not too far from a passing grade. With some good cramming tonight I should be ok tomorrow. …I hope…

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