Tuesday strikes like a Monday, it seems. This has been a day of “woahs” for me. First, I get a phone call from Chantale telling me that her co-worker who gave birth 2 days ago has had her baby checked into the Royal Vic due to a problem with its lungs. Seems the little tyke is hooked up to a machine to help it breathe.
Then, within an hour, a co-worker tells me that his sister, who recovered from breast cancer a few years ago has now been diagnosed as having general cancer throughout her body and the family is discussing preparations. She’s 36 with two kids.
Just now, I finally read the news about Richard Biggs (Doctor Stephen Franklin from Babylon 5) passing away the morning of May 22nd. I met him back in ’97 and found him to be a really nice and friendly guy; very warm and out-going. I have a shot of the two of us from Primedia 1997 and even wrote a review of his panel for The Zocalo newsletter.
Just feeling a little… “woah” about it all. Life is such a fragile thing…