A crown lies heavy on the head of a King… just as responsibilities lie heavy on the shoulders of a Leader… Some days, it’s really rough being in charge of a Team…
moving on…
Guess what we did yesterday? Gardening! Really! Chantale had a doctor’s appointment so she was home during the afternoon and decided to get started. She picked up flowers and soil and set up the hanging baskets on our patio as well as spreading fertilizer on the grass. When she picked me up at the Train, we headed back and picked up more soil. We hung up a bird feeder next to the house and installed a bird feeder on the grass. I weeded under the patio deck as the first step to trying to fix it up under there while Chantale cleared away some dead grass around it. Then, we headed to the front and ripped up a large patch of grass where we plan to install a nice flower garden. We’ve got some plans and are slowly getting through them which is a lot of fun.
After a nice meal, we relaxed in front of the tube and watched The Bachelor finale as well as the second-to-last episode of Babylon 5 🙂 A relaxing way to end the evening indeed.
This afternoon, I’m heading to my kids’ school as they are holding a “Volunteers Tea” to thank all volunteers for their help. Of course, with my being the Recording Secretary (Minute-Man!) of the Parents Council, I was invited to attend. I’m sure it will be as fun as it was last year 🙂 It’s nice to talk calmly with other parents and with the teachers as well 🙂 You tend to get a different take on how the kids are doing in class.