Fly Little Birdie!

Yesterday I officially announced to most people I work with that one of my Programmer Analysts would be moving from his current role in support to working for Core Technology as a developer. It came as a shock to most including the Senior Manager of Core who wondered how I could give him up so easily. (I replied that it wasn’t easy at all, it was simply in HIS best interests AND in the best interests of the Company). In this fashion, our Company will still be able to benefit from his knowledge and all he’s learned, developed, and put in place over the last two years.

As a Leader, it is an incredibly joyous moment to realize you are surrounded by some of the best people in a company, and especially satisfying to know that you were the one to guide them on that track (or at least point the direction, hoping they would take the right road). To that end, it is also somewhat sad when one of them decides to spread their wings and take a new flight path. The feelings are both one of loss (losing a companion and good worker) and pride (happy they are wanted by other teams). Such are my feelings right now as Muadib_ca, better known as my friend Marc-Andre, makes his way to a new department, with my full blessings.

He’s a hell of a worker who will go as far as he wants to in his career. And, best of all, he’s become a good friend of mine in the last two years we worked together. That friendship will continue to remain, luckily. I guess the only thing that’ll change is that he won’t always be forced to follow my orders from now on, unless I trap him into a project to benefit the Department 🙂

Have a blast, Marc! See you at Chez Cora’s! 🙂

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