Publishing Giggles

I got home last night, opened up my mailbox, and lo-and-behold, a copy of Alter Ego #36. Way back when the editor told me he’d send me a sample copy containing the transcript of an interview I and Mark Shainblum had done with Les Barker a few years back.

I take it inside, get myself nice and relaxed, put the pooch outside and sit on the balcony with an ice tea, and rip open the package. Sure enough, one side is all about Golden Age American Superheroes, and the flip side is all about Golden Age Canadian Superheroes! Woo hoo! Looks great and I immediately begin to flip through the Canadian side. Page 1 has its usual list of “Special Thanks to…” section and there’s my name right there, second in the list. Yay. Next page shows the table of contents and there’s a listing for Les Barker. Cool. Flip to the editorial and read about the contributors. Uh-oh. Apologies to Mark as there wasn’t enough space to squeeze the interview in. Rats. Jump to the Les Barker page and it’s an intro written up as part of a documentary on Les and, once again, a note at the top indicates that it is to whet the readers appetites for the taped transcript from myself and Mark. Bummer.

Once again, so close, and missed it by “that much”. I shake my head and begin to laugh. I’ve been in the industry for so long now that stuff like that is really second nature. In fact, it’s somewhat part of the game which is why when a target IS reached, it’s that much more satisfying.

I go back to the beginning of the magazine and flip through it slowly. It’s a great companion issue to Canuck Comics and my own notes on G.A. Canadian heroes so either way, it’s a nice payment for me. Plus, I’m sure Roy Thomas will end up running the transcript in an upcoming issue and I’ll get that copy as well.

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