It’s a bizarre-ish kind of day today. It’s sunny, but it’s somewhat chilly. In fact, coming in to work today, I actually could have used my winter jacket!!! Then, I get to work and find the diskette I brought in containing the Comicopia House Organ was corrupted. Joy. And then, verifying one of my mail accounts, it seems that some intelligent little snot of a hacker tried to spoof my Jokers Mailing list by sending out a virus mail from the proper yahoogroups user!
Luckily, the rest of the morning was better than that. Did some performance reviews and prepared my documentation for the next batch. I currently have 4 performance reviews to do… all within the next 2 weeks. Ack. Oh well, part of the job
Right now, I’m just looking forward to going home… It actually “feels” like the end of the week. Means we can unwind for a bit and just relax. Maybe watch part of the Hockey game tonight if I’m not done with the other workstuff I’ve got to do. We’ll see. At least I’m not feeling rushed