
just busy… tired… working… so much to do… all the time… much around the house… where/when can I sleep? … time to get up… catch the train… work work work… can i leave now? … more work? … but… but… Comicopia Deadline is on friday! stuff to prepare… envelopes to prepare… people to meet… sections to pick up… copies to make… work work work… tired… need sleep… can’t sleep… can’t breathe… more deadlines upcoming… more deadlines… ooooh boy…


I even forgot why I started this post. … oh yeah. I finally finished the 600+ pages of my Loma 330 book so I can finally begin to read for entertainment again. Closest thing at hand this morning was Elvis Up Close (in the words of those who knew him best) which has so far proven to be interesting. Need to read and review more comics. Feels like it’s been a few weeks since I last updated my review blog.

Was off sick on Friday. Not doing well. The day helped, though. Came in to work yesterday and actually had an extremely good day (ie; no pressure, lots of good work done). Today, feeling a little of the same, but with tiredness. Habs won last night which was quite an exciting game. Anxious to see the Ottawa/Toronto game tonight, too. Those who know me would find this quite bizarre. I haven’t purposely watched a Hockey game since I was in Junior High and my idiotic classmates ruined it for me. I couldn’t stand the fact that these morons would get into fistfights over game outcomes and players. That was one of the first times I wanted to stop living in a world which spawned such wastes of flesh.

Oh well.

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