How’s this for a kick in the head?
Back at the end of February, I called TD Visa to update my address and request a new card. March 3rd they sent me a letter telling me the card will be ready at their Maissonneuve branch. March 9th or so I headed out to get my card. Last night I got my statement. And a heart attack.
It seems that someone pretending to be ME called TD Visa to tell them I was going to be in Vancouver for a week. They asked their general questions to verify identity which mean SHIT if you actually have a COPY of a statement. “What’s your address, what’s your account number, what’s your credit limit”. How stupid is that? And then, believing it, they walked into a BRANCH on March 18th and got themselves a nice Cash Advance of $4,200 off MY card. And then they headed out to Staples and spent $1,600 and some drugstore for $700 or so and then something else for a lower value. End result? My credit card with over $6,900 on it.
LUCKY for me they actually went into a branch to get a Cash Advance. Had they done it at a machine, the code on my statement would be different instead of having a Transit number listed. BUT, the transit number actually reflects a tiny tiny TD Bank somewhere in nowhereseville Ontario. We’re talking a town smaller than Metabet. in Lac St Jean. The purchases were all in cities in B.C.
I was on the phone for almost an hour with the Fraud department and they promised me that I wouldn’t have to pay anything, that the card was being cancelled (whole lot of good that does me now), a new card would be issued (like I really fucken want to deal with them now), and that my credit rating would not be affected (believe it when I see my statement back from Equifax next month). They didn’t want to provide me with anything (signatures or whatever) unless they deemed it necessary as a means of “proving” I was actually there. Right. I was there on Thursday March 18th while I came to work and attended a Change Management meeting at 10:30am, and gave a presentation to a team at 2:00pm, and ended the day picking up a sub at Subways in Ile Perrot with my Interac card!! More than likely I even have a Royal Bank Visa transaction for that day but it’s not visible online right now.
*sigh* I would love to wring the neck of that fuck who pretended to be me.