Yup, truly. I’m sitting here at my desk basically shaking my head. A co-worker just came to see me to confirm that he can’t make my workshop tomorrow so I told him to come to the one on Wednesday. He then reminded me that he’s waiting for me to set up another meeting with himself and a Project Leader so we can go over the Document Requirements I need from them. I just had to “argh” because, honestly, I’m booked completely until next week and have a number of deliverables I’m trying hard to reach. Lo and behold, even WHILE we’re talking, a new meeting request comes in from a Senior VP which directly affects my Department (as opposed to only my Team) so, due to its importance, I must accept. I should feel honored that my presence is quite often requested at such high levels… but some days… 🙂
And you know what else? I type quite fast. But, in the space of 10 minutes that it took me to write this post (which doesn’t sound fast at all) I had 1 phone call, and two face-to-face meetings.
My days. … Calgon, take me away!!!!