Legal Matters

To all Montrealers, past and present. In the event you were not aware of this, there is currently a Class Action Lawsuit being held against Brault & Martineau.

If you have had dealings with them since April 1999, and have used their Financing services (be it the equal payment plan OR the pay-next-year), you need to get in touch with the lawyers handling the case. The suit is for $300 per member plus $300 in penalties (meaning, that as a member, you would get at least $600 upon judgement, unless the judge raises that amount)

The reason? False Advertising on two fronts. The first: They’ve been stating “Pay nothing for a year!” and yet, if you take that financing, they still force you to pay the taxes. WRONG. Secondly: on the equal payment plan, if you miss a payment, you get dinged with a 28% interest fee. WOAH!

Time to tell them to get back on track.

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