Manic Mornings

I sometimes wonder why my mornings are so busy before I even leave the house. I find that no matter what time I wake up, I’m always rushing right up until the end. So, today, I decided to take a look at the routine. This is what went on:

Couldn’t sleep so I got up at 6:30am. Washed my hair, shaved, got dressed, and went downstairs. I washed the coffee thermos, ground some beans, and set up the coffee machine to brew at 7:30am. Emptied the garbage can and went around the house collecting the rest of the garbage. Went onto the computer to print up the Treasurer’s report for tonight’s Parents Council meeting. Brought up a Winnie-the-Pooh blanket which has now been designated as the puppy’s sleeping blankie. Put the garbage bag by the door and went to wash my hands (and put on some cream as my hands were too dry). Back to the kitchen to pack a small lunch and make myself a quick toast. Put a bag back into the garbage can (not always a mutual thing 🙂 ) and headed upstairs to brush my teeth. Kissed and Hugged Chantale Good Morning. Went back downstairs and got my bag ready, put my jacket on, and poured myself a thermos of coffee (plus milk and sugar). Slipped on my boots, took the garbage to the drive, and got in the car.

The crazy part is I would have had to do the same things even had I gotten up at 7:00am!!! Sheesh. I can already see the extra things I’ll have to add to the morning routine when the puppy gets here 🙂 Ah well. At least with the change of seasons, I tend to get up early anyhow due to the sun/light streaming in through the bedroom window… 🙂

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