Just remembered something about an old co-worker of mine. While I was working as a LAN Administrator at Phillips & Vineberg (law firm) I shared a large office/ server room with the guy doing the Hardware support. Now, most of my work was do-able at my desk on the systems with some physical maintenance on the workbenches we had set up. His, unfortunately, required a lot of walking around to user workstations. Every morning, we would get our coffees and sit at our desks catching up on mail and prioritizing our work.
Come 4pm, I’d look over and Peter would finally be back at his desk, checking his voicemail and sipping a coffee. Asking him how many he’s had already would cause him to reply with a sheepish smile. It was his first coffee. Stone cold. Yuck! And yet, he admitted that he preferred it that way. Insane 🙂
So, whenever I run away from my desk for too long and come back to sip (and gag!) at my cold cup of coffee, I laugh, remember Peter, and go make myself a fresh cup 🙂