It’s Your Birthday!

Gonna bang you like it’s your Birthday! uh-huh! 🙂

I waited until the end of the day to post this, but I’ve been celebrating for over a week now 🙂 Chantale, my dearly beloved, turned 6 years old today! 🙂 Married to a six year old? Imagine that! :> If anyone in town was listening to CHOM at around 11:25am, you would have heard my birthday greeting to Chantale 🙂 Strangely enough the announcer actually seemed shocked that she was married at 24 🙂

Anyhow, we did plenty of celebrating this weekend, starting with a chocolate fondue on Friday night, a day trip to Ottawa for a shopping spree at Old Navy (what an incredible store!) on Saturday, to an incredible Chinese supper with the in-laws on Saturday night, to ice-cream birthday cake and more gifts today 🙂

It’s been an amazing weekend, to say the least 🙂 And now, we’re just chilling in front of the tv in the basement, watching the Oscars. Yup, we’ve got the television working and reception is perfect on CTV 🙂

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