Yup, I’m feeling wired this morning. Went to bed at around 11:30pm last night after spending some time unwinding and reading comics. This morning, I was startled awake when I realized that we had once again lost power momentarily thus my alarm clock was flashing (yes, Marc, I forgot to put a bloody battery backup in it!). Luckily, it was 6:50am so I just reset it and got up.
Got in to work at a decent time, slowly drinking my hazlenut coffee. Ever since I finally bought myself a coffee thermos, I’ve been making coffee in the morning and taking it with me to work. Even with the cold outside, my coffee’s still nice and hot by the time I get to work. Helps with the “tickling” throat. So, add the two-cup size coffee to the fact it’s the friday before march break, and you’ve got a pretty wired Mikey. Work is simply flying by this morning although I’ve done so much (and in the process actually added more items to my “to-do” list) that it has to fall into the ‘success’ pile.
*sigh* I’ve got stuff to do outside, too, and just have to get to it. One important thing is my train pass… even over $90 and not using it for one week, it still comes out cheaper than buying tickets… bizarre but true.