Beatles 4-ever

We had a really great weekend which was both an absolute surprise and a blessing. I picked up the kids early on friday, picked up Chantale, and had supper at my parents. Saturday, we did some shopping (bought Chantale a birthday gift 🙂 ) and took them to Komico for our last month’s worth of comics 🙂 That night, we watched Tuxedo. Everyone was in a great mood and it was just such a comfortable family-time weekend! Even Sunday was spent doing nice things together. Chantale and I ushered at Church and the kids helped us out. We then took Melyssa to a birthday party and James to McDees (promised) and then to the library. At night, we enjoyed some GameCubing before calling it a night. Small, simple, things, but very much done in a fun-loving and happy way. We are so looking forward to spending March break together!! 🙂

One cute thing which happened: the kids are both learning a song for a “Friendship Assembly” they’re going to be holding at their school. The song, which they had to practice all weekend? “I Get By With A Little Help From My Friends” 🙂 The Beatles keep on living! 🙂 James actually told his teacher that “Daddy worked on a Beatles book!” and they loved the fact that Saturday night I took out my Sgt. Pepper’s cassette (yup, don’t have it on CD yet) and put it on so we could practice 🙂

One of the biggest joys I have is teaching/ passing on good music to them 🙂

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