Pump it Up

Last weekend, as I sat in bed contemplating my navel, I made the decision to re-take charge of my life, beginning with my body.

It was thus that when Monday night came around, I went into the basement, grabbed a hold of some workout material I hadn’t looked at in about a year, flipped open to some routines, and got down to it.

As early as Wednesday, I was aching in places I haven’t ached in a long time, proof that my time at the gym hadn’t been touching upon all the muscle groups I wanted. Ah, but it felt so good even beside the funny walking I had to do until my bum and thigh muscles could relax.

I’m supposed to feel better within a week, and start seeing visible results within 3 weeks. Considering how the first week is over and I have no trouble getting to the workouts, this is one routine I’m not going to give up so easily. Best of all, I’m working out with my equipment, on my time, in my house, with my music (AC/DC, Aerosmith being the current blend 🙂 – there’s just something so right about pumping iron with hard-pumping beats).

Extra bonus: I like how I feel, how I look, and especially that gleam in Chantale’s eyes when I flex in front of her 🙂

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