Hurt Me

My abs are screaming at me. Fine, I tell them. You don’t like it? Disappear! 🙂 (I just came back from the gym. I love the 3pm workout. Gives me enough energy to get through the rest of the afternoon AND there’s never anyone around. Gives me a chance to listen to better music 🙂 – There’s just something special to having ZZ Top belt out “Legs” while you’re pounding away on the Treadmill… 🙂 )

In other news… I’m getting pampered this weekend. Chantale booked a hairdresser’s appointment for both of us at 9am and then she booked me for a facial at 4pm. Hm. All I need now is to book a massage and I can come back on Monday and tell everyone I spent the weekend being waited upon and touched by a slew of different women 🙂

(I just read this to Chantale and she called me a ButtHead. Isn’t that funny? 🙂 )

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