ya. bla bla bla.
Just in one of those weird kind of moods which make my head spin as I’m lost in a verbally-confusing spillage of nonsensical words the likes of which bring to mind old 80’s computer video games.
Alas, has the brain slipped right out of its pan? Who knows for sure?
In other news… my abs are arguing with me right now. I made it to the gym yesterday afternoon after way too many days/weeks off. I think I found a nice time to go: 3pm. No one around, peace and quiet. I’ll be attempting to make this a regular time.
Last night Chantale and I headed to her parents’ place to pick up a desk. Unfortunately, the guy who was supposed to help us was too sick to meet us there and thus we ended up taking the desk apart and bringing it home in pieces. The final pieces we’re picking up tonight which means we get to put it all back together again. And then, all that space that was cleared up this past weekend can be re-arranged and given over to the desk so Chantale can finally work without choking from the clutter currently invading my desk. 🙂
more bla bla bla later as I have some stuff I want to write up but am just lacking the desire to do so. blame it on the cold. :>