Yup, this weekend turned out to be one of cleaning/ clearing stuff out of the basement! We managed to put together two big garbage bags of stuff to throw out and 4 large boxes of stuff to recycle! Insane, really. But, wow, what a change. Re-stocked/ Ordered my CDs and Videos and boy does neatness make a difference 🙂 Threw out books and articles I hadn’t seen in more years than I cared to admit and even, finally, parted with many items I’d been dragging around for same. Progress.
Btw, speaking of which, just a generally curious question to y’all out there. Do you have a favorite movie which you do NOT own? It’s just something that I wondered about as I rifled through my video collection, pulling out the tapes I now own on DVD of which I obviously no longer require 🙂
Overall it was a generally nice weekend with a good sense of accomplishment in terms of what was done. And still, it was a fun family project with everyone helping out. Unfortunately, I was up way too late last night which means that I’m struggling through some sleep deprivation today… But, I’m very busy which is making the time go by quickly.
And now, I’m hungry, but I have no food to eat. sigh. vicious circle 🙂