I’m holding in my hands, the FIRST hardcover book which contains an editorial credit/thanks to me. How exciting is that? 🙂 All of my previous published editorial credits to date have come from Scarlet Rose Productions where I was the Line Editor (and technically still am as although the company has “relaxed” its publishing schedule, it hasn’t actually closed its doors or fired me 🙂 ). All other companies I’ve worked to date have never made it to a published book (Tesseract comes to mind).
But, for now, let’s get back to the latest book: Before They Were Beatles
Copies are now available at Amazon.com and at Barnes & Noble. You can always order a signed copy from the author (Alan J. Porter, otherwise known as
Alan, thanks again for the opportunity, and thank you for the book and the mug 🙂 It’s great finally seeing the book after all these years, but it’s also difficult to read it as a “reader” since I keep having to hold myself back from wanting to make more changes… 🙂