Secret Post Revealed

Howdy. To fill in those of you who replied to my private post, I give you now, my reason:

I was curious to know/ see who was actually loading my page up, much less reading it. All responses were greatly appreciated and those of you who loaded the page, I still got that info.

It was, however, also quite funny to see who DIDN’T load the page, especially as that was the main motivation behind this little test. 🙂

For those of you who didn’t see the secret post. Don’t worry about it. 🙂

In other news… I installed our new dishwasher all by myself yesterday. Yup, quite proud of that fact as I’ve never fooled around with plumbing or electricity before. Very satisfying experience and nice to finally have one. Cleans rather well, too, and it’s much quieter than I expected it to be. Yay us 🙂

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