A busy but satisfying weekend, I must say.
Saturday, after a nice long sleep-in (to me, 10:45am is WAY sleeping in 🙂 ) I got up and had the kids play on the GameCube for a bit (James preferring Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets while Melyssa was thrilled to have been the one to create a new town for in Animal Crossing. We named it Hogwarths 🙂 ). Having been through a tough week, we let Chantale sleep in longer so she could get back to peak form and then I got lunch going. Heated up the homemade sauce and put in some large rigatoni for a very tasty lunch.
After lounging around, the kids off playing in their rooms while Chantale and I chatted at the kitchen table, sipping Espresso, we all got dressed and jumped into the car to head over to Komico so I could pick up my stack of comics. Hadn’t been there in almost a month and it showed! Ouch. We were in a rush so I ran in, got my stuff, ran out, and we managed to get back on the highway and walked into the Sears appliances store on Sources at 4:55pm, just five minutes to closing. We went in to take a very quick look at dishwashers…. and ended up purchasing one on a pay-in-12-months plan 🙂 So, after all these years, I will finally be an owner of a dishwasher. Sheesh. 🙂
Back home, we had ourselves another tasty supper and then we all hopped into our pjs and sat down for our regular Family Movie Night where the thrill of the evening was: JUMANJI 🙂 What a blast that was! I had never seen it and the kids just loved it. I could see myself watching this one over again. I think if I ever come across an inexpensive used one, I’ll pick it up 🙂
The kids went to bed and then Chantale and I watched Someone Like You (Ashley Judd, Hugh Jackman). Sheesh. Hugh is definitely a hunky man, that’s for sure. It’s kind of difficult not admitting that. 🙂
Sunday, the kids came to church with me and insisted on helping out. Thus, they were ushers with me and helped with all the duties: greeting, handing out the worship books, helping with the offering, helping with the communion, and then helping to put all the books away. It was a lot of fun, actually, and I’m glad they enjoyed it 🙂 We got home after a quick stop at Loblaws and had a fun lunch after which we relaxed a bit and read. I got so cozy on James bed while he read to Melyssa and I that I ended up falling asleep. (giggle). It really turned out to be a nice day.
Once night came, I got busy. I put together the January newsletter for Church and mailed it out. Afterwards, I got through the Parents Council minutes but couldn’t send those out as I needed some Transaction breakdowns that I only had on my pc at work. At least it’s all finished now so I just have to convert it to PDF and mail it off tonight, just in time for our next meeting tomorrow night. 🙂
Life is busy. Incredible, but true!