Yup. In a totally not-like-Me way, I’ve developed a tremendous urge to go wandering lately.
I’ve always been very much the vacation-at-home kind of person because I just enjoyed relaxing at home. Not having to work is vacation enough and it was always enough to relax me. I enjoyed going places if there was something I had to do (for example, driving to Ottawa or Toronto for comic and media conventions to appear as a panelist). But of the type to go somewhere and veg, nope.
Lately, though, things seem to have changed within me. I really don’t believe it has anything to do with the hellish cold (a contradictory of course, but “brutal” isn’t strong enough). I do remember how extremely relaxed I was when Chantale took me to Cayo Guillermo two years ago, but even that isn’t it.
As strange as it might seem, the reason for my travel urges have more to do with The Lord of the Rings. Firstly, the fact that Chantale has been to New Zealand and related all she’d seen, helped strike the match. Watching the extended DVD versions and the extras on them fanned the flames. Finally, reading through the actual LOTR novels and realizing about all the travelling that was done and all the different folks met suddenly made me feel the stirrings of getting out there.
I’ve read so much about Tuscanny and wine country and although I’ve visited Italy twice, it was when I was younger (and, one would say, innocent). Now, I want to see it myself, walk its grounds, breathe its air. Books won’t do. I’ve heard and seen much about Greece from many friends growing up but now… now I want to go myself. A world awaits.
Germany, Switzerland, Spain, Scotland, Ireland… so many places, so many people, so many experiences…
I need a world map and a dart board.