Two good things last night:
1- Picked up Season Four of Babylon 5 on DVD. Very happy to have gotten it the first day as opposed to waiting a few weeks due to it being sold out (like with Season Three)
2- Went to see Paycheck. Ben Affleck (Affleck was the bomb in Phantoms, yo!) and Uma Thurman (Uma! Uma! Uuuma!) in a John Woo (oooo, look at the pretty explosions!) flick once again using gadgetry and human engineering. 🙂 It was fun and it was great seeing Ben doing a bunch of DareDevil-y moves near the end 🙂 Use that body you worked so hard to get, Ben!! :>
Bizarre mood this morning. Way too cold and tomorrow’s gonna hit -34C with the wind chill. Can you say OUCH?