Well it’s a new year…

yes, a new year… but then why is it so hard to get going in the mornings? I was so sure I’d get back in the full swing of things once this week started, but I find myself running with half an engine, it seems.

It has to pick up soon, though. Just have to get out of myself and push for a bit. 🙂

Chantale started reading The Anti-Bodies recently and it has been quite a thrill watching her go through it. As an author, nothing tickles me more than watching while someone reads my work and gauge their expressions as they go through it. It’s like I get to re-experience the book through them. Of course, considering Chantale is my muse and basically the person I write to/for, seeing her really enjoying the story brings me a great sense of pride and satisfaction.

Last night during supper she told me how she had been looking forward to coming home all day just so she could continue reading it. Yeah, that definitely puts a permanent smile on my face 🙂 And when she realized that she was coming upon the end of the book, her comment was a casual: “Well you better get writing more! At least 3 this year!” 🙂

(considering I’ve started laying out the tracks for two stories already, coming up with a third shouldn’t prove too difficult… 🙂 )

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