
Got a funny note today by a friend of mine. He stated how he knew I was really sick because I hadn’t posted anything in a few days and he was ordering me to get better. That put a smile on my face. Same as Chantale ordering me to stop coughing last night. I’d love to, I’m trying, but… the flesh is weak when battling illnesses… (weak smile)

I am feeling better, though. I’m still coughing at night but at least I’m not hacking as much as I used to. I’m mainly battling headaches… must be a sinus thing… Like right now, actually. I’m feeling like hell and trying to comfort myself with a hot chocolate and some Oreo Fudge cookies 🙂

In other news…. my in-laws celebrate 25 Years of Marriage TODAY!! Wooot! How incredible is that?! 🙂

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